FGBMFA Newsletter August, 2019
Publish on August,10 2019 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

FGBMFA Newsletter August, 2019Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
FGBMFA Newsletter April, 2019
Publish on April,21 2019 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

FGBMFA Newsletter April, 2019Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
FGBMFA Newsletter December, 2018
Publish on December,07 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

FGBMFA Newsletter December, 2018Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
FGBMFA Newsletter October, 2018
Publish on October,09 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

FGBMFA Newsletter October, 2018Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
FGBMFA Newsletter September, 2018
Publish on September,11 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

FGBMFA Newsletter September, 2018Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
President’s Newsletter June, 2018
Publish on June,26 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

FGBMFA Newsletter June 26Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
President’s Newsletter March, 2018
Publish on March,15 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(2)

President’s Newsletter January, 2018Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
FGBMFA National Executive Committee, February 2018
Publish on March,09 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(1)

Quarterly News from the FGBMFA National Executive Committee, February 2018Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
President’s Newsletter January, 2018
Publish on January,01 2018 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

President’s Newsletter January, 2018Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter
President’s Newsletter October 27, 2017
Publish on October,27 2017 by FGBMF in America Comments(2)

President’s Newsletter October 28, 2017Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
President’s Newsletter September 20, 2017
Publish on September,20 2017 by FGBMF in America Comments(2)

Click Here to View the President’s NewsletterRead MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
President’s Newsletter July 28, 2017
Publish on July,28 2017 by FGBMF in America Comments(41)

Click Here to View the President’s Newsletter Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
The Race Continues
Publish on September,11 2016 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

“……. let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith …” Hebrews 12:1-2 Robert W. Bignold has finished the race! And he ran it well. Bob persevered in the Vision and his life impacted generations as he inspired men around the world…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Robert W. Bignold Your Legacy Shall Shine Like the Brightness of the Stars Forever and Ever
Publish on August,01 2016 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

With much sorrow, we announce that Bob Bignold, our beloved President of Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in America, passed away Thursday, July 28, 2016. He was working in his yard and had an apparent heart attack while getting on his riding lawn mower. It seems death was instantaneous and it is presumed he did…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on March,04 2016 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

As you read the Presidents Newsletter for February 2016 you will observe that January and February have been very busy months for many of the Officers and Directors of FGBMFA. On January 21st and 22nd the National Officers and Directors of FGBMFA held our mid-year Directors Meeting in conjunction with the Georgia Men’s Advance. Following…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
In Memory of Peter Reding
Publish on January,17 2016 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

I am not sure when I first met Peter Reding but it was sometime in the late Nineteen Eighties or the early Nineteen Nineties. At that time Peter had just been Elected National Director of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in the USA, for the State of Oregon. It was a time of great…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on September,28 2015 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

In this month’s “War Story for the Joshua Generation” I shared that when Demos and Rose Shakarian first started the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in 1952, they envisioned an organization made up of Business Men from the Pentecostal Churches. They had no idea that God would use the Fellowship as a platform from which…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on June,02 2015 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

Next week the Full Gospel Men’s Fellowship in America is coming together with Business Men’s Fellowship in the USA in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas to corporately enter into His presence, and to worship and adore the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. We are coming to hear what God is doing in the lives…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on November,17 2014 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

Lance Wallnau was the Keynote Speaker at our National Convention in Dallas – Fort Worth, Texas last July. Knowing that Dr. Wallnau was somewhat unfamiliar with FGBMFA, during the banquet meal before he spoke, I took the opportunity to familiarize him with our vision of reaching the young men, of the Joshua Generation. As I…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on October,16 2014 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

In this month’s FGBMFA Presidents Newsletter I am departing from my usual commentary to call your attention to Jonathan Cahn’s newest book,”The “Mystery of the Shemitah”. Many of you know Jonathan Cahn as the author of the New York Times best seller “The Harbinger”, but I believe his latest book, “The Mystery of the Shemitah”,…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on September,17 2014 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)

Last Month my wife, Barbara, and I attended the monthly meeting of a new FGBMFA Chapter in Puyallup, Washington. The chapter president opened the meeting by introducing the evening speaker, a man from Kenya Africa, as a prophet of God. Then he asked me to give his chapter a brief report on the recent FGBMFA…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on May,09 2014 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Last weekend I traveled to the Northwestern part of the State of Washington to attend the Ft. Flagler Men’s advance. While the advance ran Friday through Sunday Morning I attended only the Saturday session. My wife Barbara who was traveling with me stayed in our motel room while I drove an hour or so north…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on March,31 2014 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)2014 is FGBMFAmerica’s Eighth Year – In the February newsletter I described a prophetic vision that Dr. Richard Maiden received from the Lord the final night of last year’s Convention in Dallas. In that vision he saw people standing in a great hall and they were carrying candles, but many of the candles were not…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on November,27 2013 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Shortly after the 2013 FGBMFA National Convention in Dallas-Fort Worth last July I received an email from Peter Schnieder the convention speaker in the Friday Men’s Luncheon. Peter explained that during one of the worship times in the convention he had received an “open vision” concerning the Fellowship in America. Since he did not have…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on August,21 2013 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Last weekend I attended an FGBMFA Prophetic conference sponsored by the St Paul Minnesota FGBMFA Chapter. The Minnesota Conference, which was organized by three young Joshua Generation men Chris Rasmussen, and Jeff Bremer, included forty-five registered guests, equally split between men and women. The conference was birthed during our Seventh National Convention in Dallas Texas,…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on June,11 2013 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Several weeks ago Chris Burge, our National Director in charge of the Joshua Generation Outreach sent me a link from the Elijah Generation Newsletter, with the subject line “Strengthen the Foundations.” The article entitled “The Lord is Bringing Forth Stonecutters” is written by the well-known prophet Bob Jones. In the article Jones states “The Lord…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on February,17 2013 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Consider this “As many as 70 percent of the boys who are being raised in the church will abandon it by their 20th birthday.” Many of these boys will never return. (http://www.wacmm.org/Stats.html) I believe that one of the major reasons that the preponderance of the young men of the Joshua Generation has abandoned church is…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
November President’s Newsletter
Publish on November,29 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)IT IS GOD’S CALL TO OUR FELLOWSHIP TO PRODUCE SPIRITUAL SONS In 2006 when the Lord first began to speak to me concerning the need for our older FGBMFA men to mentor our younger men, it was difficult for me to recognize that such a need actually existed. It was hard for me to recognize the need, because…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
The Prophetic Story of FGBMFA
Publish on October,29 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Earlier this month on October 5th and 6th, the Officers and Directors of FGBMFA met in Dallas, Texas for our Fall Director’s Meeting. Near the beginning of the meeting I shared a word of encouragement that the Lord had given me from the book of Haggai concerning the rebuilding of the Fellowship in America. I…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Mentoring the Joshua Generation Through Your Testimony
Publish on September,21 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Recently I spent a week in Nigeria at the Nigerian National Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship with Doug Raine and Nathan Cole, one of our young Joshua’s. Each day we would leave the hotel at 4-pm in the afternoon for the evening meeting, arriving back at the hotel after midnight. During the…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
August President’s Newsletter
Publish on August,27 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)The Glory Fell in the Nigerian National Convention The 2012 Nigerian National Convention theme was “The Season of His Glory” and truly the Glory fell on the convention. It was the largest National Convention ever held in Nigeria with more than 30-35,000 attending. In truth, it was the largest ever held in the Full…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Bemidji Report
Publish on April,30 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)BEMIDJI FIRETEAM REPORT APRIL 2012 Last week the Mayor of Bemidji, Minnesota, located at the headwaters of the Mississippi River introduced our Fireteam to the business and government leaders in his city. Mayor Larson’s introduction provided the Fireteam with the keys to the city. The Mayor also joined with us as we conducted our Fireteam outreaches on…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Pray for the Glory to Fall on the New Fellowship
Publish on March,28 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)In last month’s newsletter I shared a vision of the Glory of God that was received by Bruce Allan, a prophetic man on January 28, 2012. In that Vision Bruce saw the hands of the Lord pour a clear, bright, liquid over the earth… And as the Lord poured the liquid from the bowl, a…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Spiritual Awakening in America?
Publish on February,27 2012 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Doug Raine, our National Director in charge of FGBMFA outreach to America, has been working with the St. Paul, Minnesota Chapter President, John Tolo, on a series of outreaches to develop new chapters of FGMBFA in the state of Minnesota. While praying with John Tolo in Minneapolis-St Paul, Minnesota, in March of 2010 Doug…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Unity – The Key to the Kingdom
Publish on December,22 2011 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)In last month’s President’s Newsletter I related that the word “Fellowship” as used in “Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship” is the translation of the Greek word, KOINONIA which describes “a unity brought about by the Holy Spirit”. Many men who are currently members of the Fellowship, particularly those of the younger Generation, have little understanding…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Let’s Return to Being a Fellowship
Publish on November,21 2011 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)Canadian Convention I have just returned from the Canadian National Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in Canada last week. The Convention which was held in Regina, Canada was the best attended Canadian Convention in ten years. The final banquet was sold out before the convention started. I believe that people left the…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on October,11 2011 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)LIFT UP YOUR EYES TOWARD HEAVEN AND EXALT JESUS In last month’s Newsletter, I wrote to you concerning the proposed London Prayer Summit, and asked you and your Chapter to join with me in prayer for a new wave of revival in the Fellowship and a new out-pouring of the Gifts of the Spirit in…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
FGBMFA Presidents Newsletter – 8-22-11
Publish on September,23 2011 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)THE VISION INTENSIFIED Last Friday evening Barbara and I attended a small birthday party for Don Ostrom, a former International Director of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International. One of the other men of the party was Fred Doerflein, who was also an International Director in the Seattle area in the early days of…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
FGBMFA President’s Newsletter 7-26-11
Publish on July,03 2011 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)THE BLESSINGS OF THE 2011 FGBMFA NATIONAL CONVENTION The day after the Dallas/Fort Worth Convention, I received the following email from Jim Moon, one of the first men to join FGBMFA, from the state of Georgia. Jim must have sent the email as soon as he got off the plane from the convention: Sunday, July…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
President’s Newsletter- January 3, 2010
Publish on August,26 2010 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)FGBMFA PRESIDENTS NEWSLETTER – JANUARY 3, 2010 THE RETIRED PEOPLE IN YOUR CHAPTER HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME AMERICA’S AND THE FELLOWSHIPS MOST VALUABLE RESOURCE In September of 1986, a Christian businessman by the name of Norvel Hayes was speaking in our Full Gospel Business Men’s Pacific Northwest Men’s Advance. During the course of the…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on August,06 2010 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)A PROPHETIC DREAM FORETELLING THE RESTORATION OF THE VISION During the night of Thursday, October 27th, 2005, one year before the founding of FGBMFA, a pastor in South Bend, Indiana, who had attended several previous Full Gospel Business Men’s meetings in the 1970’s, experienced a very vivid dream, which he felt held Prophetic significance for…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on July,11 2010 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)GOD HAS GIVEN FGBMFA HIS PROPHETIC WORD… Last month, we celebrated the fourth National Convention of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship in America. I sense that God is preparing FGBMFA for one of the most powerful moves of God to ever hit this Nation. As I look at our numbers, or our financial resources,…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events
Publish on June,17 2010 by FGBMF in America Comments(0)The 2010 National Convention in Portland, Oregon This year’s 2010 National Convention was wonderful. Many new faces as well as some wonderful old friends joined us. Its focus was on The Joshua Generation, which will secure the legacy of our Fellowship for generations to come. It also launched the Partners of the Fellowship, a ministry…Read MoreCategories: Fellowship Newsletter, News And Events