It’s a harsh lonely environment. An environment that can cut men off from God, and like the world of business, it can harden men’s hearts and their humanity and produce a culture of loneliness, which the enemy of our soul uses to isolate men.
While men of the Fellowship have at times experienced a measure of worldly success, we too, have experienced bumps in the road…each beckoning with its own promise of fulfillment… alcohol, drugs, adultery, money and on and on. Nothing worked; nothing produced lasting happiness. Nothing produced peace of mind. Nothing, that is, until we met Jesus Christ and accepted Him as our Lord and Savior.
Whenever possible, it is crucial for the local FGBMFAmerica chapter to consider setting up an outreach ministry inside local, state and federal jails or prisons. As brothers in Christ, we can witness to men who are incarcerated. Our testimonies may serve to encourage and inspire them with hope and a desire to give their lives to Jesus Christ and “get right with God”. In a testimony we share about our life before Christ, how He saved us and what we are doing now; most importantly, how God continues to speak to us through the daily reading of His Word.
In Matthew 25:31-46, the Holy Bible commands us to go and visit prison. Because some have gone, untold have given their life to Christ while incarcerated. For opportunities to meet and witness to new inmates on a weekly basis, you can visit your State Diagnostic Center, where men are processed and tested for the best facility placement.
FGBMFAmerica needs regional, state and local leaders who are willing to work in the Prison Ministry. You can check with any facility near you the Do’s and Don’ts in ministering to prisoners, as well as training classes they may offer.