JANUARY 12 - 14, 2023
This Advance is open to men from all walks of life and faiths. We encourage you to bring a friend! This is a “Spiritual Advance” concentrating on Christian growth.
Come expecting the Holy Spirit to minister directly to you through our Keynote speakers and other anointed men of God who have depth and experience and maturity in their walk with the Lord.
Witness the power of God truly “set men free” and renew your faith in an atmosphere where businessmen, regard- less of denomination, can reflex and be built up through sound Biblical teaching, testimonies and fellowship.
Come join with us and let the Spirit of God refresh and strengthen you!
Keynote Speaker Dr. Mike Hutchings
Dr. Mike Hutchings has 36+ years of pastoral, church planting and "pastoring pastors" experience in a variety of church cultures, including Baptist, Vineyard, Willow Creek and Mennonite. In Peoria, Illinois, Mike partnered with the leadership team of a Transforming Revival Pastors’ Group where the city experienced significant transformation through the power of prayer and unity.
“Dr. Mike” earned a Bachelor of Arts from Judson University, a Master of Divinity in Counseling from
Northern Seminary, and he completed his post graduate studies at the King’s Seminary, Phoenix
University of Theology and United Theological Seminary, receiving Doctor of Theology and Doctor of
Ministry degrees.
Dr Hutchings is currently Director of Education for Global Awakening, an evangelistic ministry in Mechanicsburg, PA. He directs Dr. Randy Clark’s Global School of Supernatural Ministry. He is passionate about connecting pastors and leaders throughout the body of Christ to come together for transformation in their cities, and he strives to equip others to minister healing and wholeness to the world.
Additionally, he is the Founder and President of the God Heals PTSD Foundation, providing education, training and resources to bring healing to those who suffer from unresolved trauma and Post Traumatic Stress. He travels to churches, conferences and ministry centers throughout the world, equipping the church to minister healing to those who suffer from trauma. His book on this subject, Supernatural Freedom from the Captivity of Trauma, is published by Destiny Image. Mike also conducts conferences on Kingdom Transformation and Leadership.
Dr. Mike has been married to his wife, Roxanne, for more than 40 years and has three children and five grandchildren.
2:00 pm
Check In Begins
3:00 pm
Optional Prayer Time Begins
5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Prayer Time Continues
7:00 am
Prayer Time
7:30 am
8:30 am
Check In / Registration Opens
10:00 am
Opening Fellowship Meeting
1:300 pm
2:00 pm
Fellowship Afternoon Meeting
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Fellowship Evening Meeting
7:00 am
Prayer Time
7:30 am
Breakfast Buffet
9:00 am
Fellowship Meeting
12:00 pm
Advance Ends
12:00 pm
Optional Lunch
Reservation Receipt Deadline
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Space is limited! Please register and make your reservations for Lodging and Food early.
Requests to room with specific persons will be honored if submitted with the reservation form prior to the deadline date.
Requests for partial 'scholorships' (up to $50.00 per person) will be distributed on a first-come basis with payment.
For more scholorship information, contact John Fay.
No Refunds / Cancellations after Sunday January 8, 2023.
Mail the completed reservation form with payment to:
FGBMFA Men's Advance
C/O John Fay
186 Groveland Street
Haverhill, MA 01830
For Questions Contact:
John Fay: 781.475.4215 / johnfay77@gmail.com
Joe Rogan: 617.571.1294 / fglakemorey@gmail.com